Build your future from your past experiences! I love looking forward. In fact, I often find myself living in the future at the expense of the present! I’m working on being more present! So many people will tell you to simply forget your past and focus on your future. I’ve done that. And it didn’t… Continue reading How to Build Your Future on Your Past
Author: Robert
The Power of Many is Our Answer
The power of many. You are one voice. I am one voice. Together we are two, and exponentially louder. When we are 100, 1000, or 1 million we are the most powerful force on Earth. Sometimes, we forget that we are most powerful together. We get involved in divisiveness. We shut out those we don’t… Continue reading The Power of Many is Our Answer
Do you know what your most valuable asset is? What if.. you lost it all. The economy crashes. You’re without a job. We have more lockdowns? The bottom falls out of the market? The dollar crashes? What would be the ONE ASSET nobody could ever take from you, no matter what else happens? Most people… Continue reading Your MOST VALUABLE Asset
Be the one to set the example
Will you set the example of what’s possible? When things get tough, as they are right now, we have a choice to make. We are either going to be taken down by it all, or we are going to tap into the leader within. Tough times create strong people. And right now, we are indeed… Continue reading Be the one to set the example
Success in challenging times.. we need this info now more than ever!
After countless conversations with fellow coaches, entrepreneurs, and business owners, there is a common theme among all of them. Things have shifted and there is no longer a “business as usual” playbook. To explore more about what’s working now, I’ve invited celebrated business leader, Lee Milteer to join us and share her knowledge and wisdom… Continue reading Success in challenging times.. we need this info now more than ever!
Performance Coach: Taking Charge.. when times are challenging
Life can be hard. It can be even harder in times like these. So what can you do to pull yourself up day after day and keep going even when it feels as it you’re wading through knee-high mud? Today, we have a special guest, Awards Winning Voice and Performance Coach, Steven Memel joining us!… Continue reading Performance Coach: Taking Charge.. when times are challenging
Get Paid What You’re Really Worth
What are you worth? Are you worth what your boss says you’re worth? Do you price yourself in line with your competitors? Mitch Axelrod is my guest on this episode and we’re going to dive in on this topic to help you understand what your true worth is and give you strategies to make sure… Continue reading Get Paid What You’re Really Worth
They are watching how you react..
You never know.. It’s true. You never know who is watching you. You never know who admires you. You never know who is learning from you. We are all teachers to those around us. And we are either teaching what NOT to do or what you should be doing! It’s what you say, but it’s… Continue reading They are watching how you react..
Better than a Business Card at Closing New Clients
Coaches often find it hard to find and then close new clients. The reason is because they are coaches and not marketers! But what if there was a tool that you could create in just a few weeks that would help you to easily close more clients – without having to do endless discovery calls.… Continue reading Better than a Business Card at Closing New Clients
Be Part of the Solution – Here’s How You Can!
It’s a time to be united. While the world continues to grind it’s way back to some version of normal, sitting on the sidelines and waiting for somebody else to fix things is not going to make it happen any faster. You, me, them, we, us, I, you – all of these people can be… Continue reading Be Part of the Solution – Here’s How You Can!